Individual leg, abdominal or arm therapy
30 minutes treatment $50


Pressotherapy is an exclusive detoxifying treatment, which through effective lymphatic drainage, helps to promote the body's natural toxin clearing functions. The revitalization and oxygenation of the tissue helps to slim and redefine the legs, stomach and arms while enhancing skin tone.


Recommended for the treatment of cellulite
Slimming and detoxifying. A safe alternative to liposuction
Body shaping and profiling
Relieves pain and swelling, and provides immediate comfort
Redefines the legs, stomach and arms while enhancing skin tone

More Information

Pressotherapy is a computer controlled compression system, which operates using inflating pumps. The device has five separate chambers, which are positioned around the limbs. These focus on moving the venous and lymph flow, starting from the ankles and moving to the upper thighs. Designed to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, Pressotherapy enhances extra-cellular fluid clearance, reduces bloating, swelling and oedema, alleviates leg fatigue and improves oxygen flow through the whole body.


Pressotherapy can be used in conjunction with seaweed wraps to detoxify, firm, tone, improve circulation and increase lymphatic drainage. A great, relaxing alternative to liposuction, which can be coupled with vacuomobilization treatments for exceptional results.

Frequently Asked Questions


Question: What is Pressotherapy?

Answer: The Pressotherapy is a compression system designed to increase the venous and lymphatic flow and enhance extra-cellular fluid clearance.


Question: How does the Pressotherapy equipment work?

Answer: A computer-controlled pump inflates the individual sections of the multi- chambered garments, which are positioned around the limbs. The pump inflates each chamber of the garment individually. Once a chamber has been inflated, its pneumatic circuit closes. This enables the pump to maintain the preset level and avoid the balancing of pressure with the other chambers. When one chamber is inflated, this causes an increase in pressure of the previously inflated chamber, creating an Automatic Double Pressure Gradient.


Question: Who should use Pressotherapy?


Clients who rely on lymphatic drainage to detoxify their body.
Clients that receives regular body or body contouring.
Clients suffering from lymphedema of the lower extremities, post surgical or congenital conditions. Pre, intra and post phases of surgery benefit greatly from the complement of Pressotherapy.
Clients having discomfort, fatigue or fluid retention.


Question: Are there any Contra-indications?

Answer: Yes

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Presence of any pain or numbness
Acute infection of the affected limb Cardiac Heart Failure (CHF)
Any instance where increase venous and lymphatic return is undesirable


Question: How often should Pressotherapy be used?

Answer: For best results, it is recommended that clients receive a series of treatments, ranging from 8-15 treatments, depending on specific individual needs. Weekly treatments are recommended to achieve individual results.

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